See where your favorite KJ is tonight!
"Call Me Ozz is the best place in town for customer service. We were very happy with the results."
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Karaoke Albuquerque 3-1-14
Be sure and drop by the Members Corners and say hi (Sing into their guestbook) to our newest members: Grayseas, Tigger4824, Kiara, and Paz.J! Welcome Aboard!
I get asked all the time, "where is your favorite place to go". I can't pick just one. I like them all.....well almost. Some places I like because of the KJ, Crowd, or the Sound, or the Stage.....so here are my favorite eight places from last month:
Barley Room
Graham Central Station
The Palace
Slate Street
Post 99
Broken Bottle
With Thursday night being the most saturated night of karaoke in Albuquerque, Sidelines has cancelled Thursday night karaoke and add Sundays from 7-11pm with KJ Koz. Now there is a great place once again for Sunday early evening karaoke.
We have resurrected a few videos from the past....Bin Laden Crawled from August of 2010 at Fiesta's and Happy Birthday Crazy Train to Chris Fennicks in 2011 at Evolution.
Quick Links....Click n Go!
SANDIA CASINO: Adds Monday nights
Now that football season is over they gotta have something on Monday nights...why not karaoke? Come sing on the stage with Big B Entertainment as Byron Powdrell is your MC.
Retro Bar, the only bar in Albuquerque fully dedicated to the love of karaoke has closed it's doors. There are rumors of it possibly re-opening, but right now they are just rumors. Retro had karaoke Tuesday-Saturday with a very steady regular loyal crowd. Twig will be missed but I am sure we will see him around.
DAMN BAR: No More Karaoke
After many years of trying to build up a Thursday night karaoke crowd Kyle has decided to hang it up. There are many venues that have karaoke on a Thursday night which makes it very difficult.
Karaoke at De Wars Pub on Thursday's has been replaced with open mic night with Pat Duran. They still have karaoke every Friday and Saturday night with DJ DraZtik from 9pm-1:30am.
POST 49: A New Kid in Town, goes by Tiny
Tiny is not a new name to the karaoke community in Albuquerque. They call him Tiny because he is just a bit Tinier than you and me. I have been singing with Tiny for the past 7 years, met him over at Sneakerz. He is now with Live Mic Entertainment at Post 49 every other Wednesday from 7-10pm.
NEDS: Live Mic 2 is your KJ
Felicia, aka Live Mic 2 with Live Mic Entertainment can now be found as your KJ at Ned's on San Mateo every Wednesday night. This is all part of the Dodgeball/Kickball/Karaoke group, so it's usually pretty busy until about 11, although busy there usually isn't a lot of singers but a great crowd.
KJ Nae Nae, who was with Graham back in the old Ally Cat days and then came back last year is now gone. Larry, the maintenance and sound guy for the club for many many years is now the KJ in Ally Cats. This is a good thing because he knows his sound and lights. They have karaoke every Thursday night with no cover for over 21. 18-21 are permitted in on Thursday nights. Also on Friday and Saturday with a $5 cover for all 3 clubs.
A couple of weeks ago there was a shooting at one of the night clubs in Albuquerque. The media blew it up and out of proportion and made it sound like this club has had a bad track record for the last ten years and should shut it doors.
Here’s my thought on this, one shooting in ten years? Not bad considering how many shootings at schools, malls and movie theaters we have had in ten years. Without a doubt it is more dangerous to send your child to school, the movies or the mall than it is for you to go out to a club and sing some songs.
According to the media, “He was shot in the head at the club and he walked over to the hospital across the street for treatment.” Really? He got shot in the head and walked across the street. Is this guy superman or something? Here’s what really happened. Guy was standing in front of the club having words with some other guy. The other guy walked away and came back, took a shot at him, it grazed his eyebrow and hit his leg. The other guy disappeared from the camera feed; the injured guy got up and walked across the street for treatment.
One thing to realize is that when we go out to the clubs to sing karaoke, we are walking into a risky environment, just like if you were going ice skating, it’s a risk you are taking. I can honestly say in all the years and many many venues I have been in, I really don’t see half the problems you would think I would. In my opinion Albuquerque is a great place to do karaoke; the crowds are very friendly and welcoming. There are only a few bad apples here and there. There are only a couple of clubs I don’t feel safe in, and the one this happened at, I feel very safe in.
I am asking that you do not let the media shape and form your decisions but that you shape and form your decisions based on how a particular place makes you feel. In the words of the great Ozzy: "The media sells it and you live the role". With many venues already struggling it is a real shame that the media would compound the problem. I do not want to mention the name of this club, if you heard about it through the media, you know who it is. Happy Singing To All!
You may have heard over the last couple of years about the “Sound Choice Police”. This is a term that has been given to several agencies on the hunt for money or copyright infringements within the nationwide karaoke community. First there is ASCAP, which is an organization to protect songwriters and other copy-written Medias from it being used for profit without permission. A venue must pay these dues or can and will be levied hefty fines and possibly prison time. Legally a venue cannot have a TV on, the radio, a jukebox, or anything playing in their establishment unless they have paid the fees to do so. The ASCAP police have been hot and heavy in the Albuquerque area.
When it comes to karaoke it is similar. Certain disc producers to not allow their material to be played at a venue if there is profit and unless the KJ is using a legal system the KJ or DJ could be fined and even imprisoned. What it boils down to is, get legal or get out. Make sure you have the rights to all the music you have in your system. Make sure that you are a legal business with a business license and that you pay your gross receipts taxes and you report your income on your tax returns. Visit FIRELIGHT KARAOKE as a model to a legal company.
It is particularly Sound Choice going after the illegal KJ's. They do not typically just come in a sue. They will usually send a notice and give them the opportunity to become legal. If not, then they do sue for stealing their work. Check out this E-Mail response from the CEO of Sound Choice, it will be well worth your time, and may save you $80,000.00. (Click on the SOUND CHOICE FACTS and then piracy).
Z's: Taxicab Joe is Gone!
Taxicab Joe is known as the cab in town that you can get a cab ride home and sing some songs along the way. He still does his cab ride, but he has left Z's at Skidz Entertainment. I am not sure who his replacement is yet, but will let you know as soon as it is confirmed by the management.
THE MAIN EVENT: DraZtik not Live Mic
Bring you the best karaoke on the westside every Thursday and Saturday night from 9pm-1am
5300 Sequoia Road N.W./Albuquerque 87120
JBz: Howlin' Coyote is Back!
January was the last show for Howlin' Coyote at Hollywood Casino. February was the first show at JBz. This sports bar is the only one I know of that serves a full menu of food until 1am. Karaoke here every Friday night from 9pm-1am, they are working on getting more nights added. Stay tuned.
The original posting in facebook stated that Live Mic would be handling The Main Event, then it was gonna be an alternate with DraZtik, now it's just DraZtik, every Wednesday night from 9pm-1am. This is where the old Knuckleheads was on Coors Blvd.
Last month Call Me Ozz posted the new Z's karaoke and sports bar inside the new Skidz Entertainment as Mr Z's. It's not Mr, just Z's. This is where the old Leisure Bowl was on Lomas. They have karaoke seven nights a week.
POST 100: With Allen Estrada
Allen Estrada (also the KJ at Leo's on Monday, Speakeasy on Thursday and the $2 Bar on Friday) can also be found at Post 100 on Fridays before his gig at the $2 bar.
Starting Monday, March 3rd, if you have a picture of you and Ozz, with him in an Ozz shirt, post it as your profile picture and then register in the special page to be built yet. Every week there will be a drawing at an announced location to win a $25-$50 dining out gift certificate. Make sure you are a member in the CALL ME OZZ ALBUQUERQUE NITE LIFE on Facebook group for updates on this game. (If you are not a member yet, CLICK HERE to get there and request to become a member.)
Mark your calender now! Thursday, March 20th will be the day. The Effingbar has sponsored the CURRENT/SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE for the month of March and will be holding a sing n win for swag prizes, as well a drawing for a $25 gift certificate for going to the Current Events page and registering. All the information for this event will be released on Monday, March 3rd in the CALL ME OZZ ALBUQUERQUE NITE LIFE on Facebook group for updates on this game. (If you are not a member yet, CLICK HERE to get there and request to become a member.)
Mark your calender now! Saturday, April 26th will be the day. De Wars Pub @ Lucky 66 Lanes has sponsored the VENUE PROFILES PAGE for the month of April and will be holding a sing n win for swag prizes, as well a special drawing for a gift certificate for going to the Venue Profiles page and registering. All the information for this event will be released on Monday, March 24th in the CALL ME OZZ ALBUQUERQUE NITE LIFE on Facebook group for updates on this game. (If you are not a member yet, CLICK HERE to get there and request to become a member.)
Thanks to these sponsors, Call Me Ozz is able to bring this website to for free. We ask that you support them as they support you and us!
Abq Live Music!
Barley Room
Broken Eardrumz
Been There Sung That
Lucky 66 Lanes/De Wars Pub
El Norteno
Holiday Bowl
Kammo's Karaoke
Karaoke Across America
Leo's Bar
Money's Worth Automotive
Olde Tyme Ice Cream Shop
Pro Nutrition Shops
Skidz Entertainment (Z's Sports & Karaoke Bar)
Slate Street
The Main Event
Thank you KJ Brooklyn from Musicology and Stew Dizzle from Kammo's Karaoke for updating your profile and adding your picture. Welcome aboard Tiny, Larry and Corey, please take a moment to update your profile so people know more about you!

Here is an update on where Call Me Ozz is and where it is headed. When I started singing at the Brio many years ago for my wedding song, I had no idea it would take to this place today. When they started calling me Ozz at Sneakerz because I sang War Pigs and Paranoid I had no idea. Two and a half years ago The Barley Room asked me to manage a karaoke contest for them. Again I had no idea. That is when the website began, as a place to let the public know what was going on in the contest. After the contest, I kept it around to list all the venues in the city that did karaoke. I was happy getting 20 hits a week.
From there I continued to add more and more information, pictures of singers and games all the time. Before I knew it my hobby was taking from my job. It was at that point I had to make a decision. Either make the website a profitable livelihood venture and cut back on my job, or move forward with my job and cut back the website to a basic site again.
In the middle of 2012 I made the decision to move forward with the website. The plan was to begin setting up the site for sponsorship, and then get the sponsors, in the meantime cutting back the job but keeping enough income coming in to support the site.
The plan for 2013 was to cut the job back to 2 days a week, and really focus on the expansion of the website into all other entertainment genres, which happened.
Now for 2014; the job is cut back to 1 day per week, the rest of the time, it’s all about expanding the website, getting sponsors, getting directors for each of the spider sites (smaller websites for each genres, for example: Comedy, Live Music, Live Theater, Bowling, Etc) so that each of these sites would have all the information just like the karaoke site. It also includes a salesperson, an event poster and an administrative assistant, which will be family members.
The plan for 2015 will be to take Call Me Ozz nationwide. It will focus on cities with a metro population of 1-2 million. There are 50 cities targeted. Each of these cities will operate the same as the local Call Me Ozz does and will operate under Call Me Ozz as a franchise.
If you own a business and would like information on you can become a sponsor or would like to invest when we are ready for that CONTACT US here. I would like to say Thank You to all of you who support this site, the venues, the KJ’s and the businesses. My dream is to help everyone I can.
We have been so busy with all the expansions lately we haven't had much time to play games. But not to worry, they are headed back! Starting Monday you can play flood Facebook with Ozz pictures, on March 20th a Sing N Win at Effingbar, on April 26th a Sing N Win at Lucky 66 Bowl. The last winner we had was Sara Dix for the Pat Benatar Concert.
Unfortunately sometimes we have to say goodbye to our great singers, friends and family. Call Me Ozz has a page dedicated to those who have left us. Visit the Rest In Peace memorial page if you know someone who should be there or if you'd like to leave a comment in one of their guestbooks. Last month we had to say goodbye to Tommy Campbell.
A Nu' U
Hair & Nail Salon
Where Ozz gets his hair done...
Tammy Winters
Stylist & Nail Specialist
2 Marietta Ct. Ste. B
Edgewood, N.M. 87105
Fabian has been my families trusted insurance agent for many many years, whether it's home, or auto Fabian will take care of you.
All you have to do is show up and sing a song to be entered to win!